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Tesla Owners New England


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About Tesla Owners Club New England

Tesla Owners Club of New England is working to establish this club as a 501c7 non-profit Social Club.  We have many exciting events in the works and hope you will join and we see you there!

We were formed by a group of Tesla owners.  While almost all of our members own one or more Tesla vehicles (or have reservation for one), many either have or are interested in sustainable energy products as well.  Membership is open to anyone who owns or has a reservation for any Tesla product.  We are all either directly or indirectly supporting the move to a sustainable future.  We LOVE talking about our cars, the company, its products, EVs, the move to sustainable energy, and of course, Elon.

Tesla Owners Club New England has very few goals:

  1. Support Tesla's mission in New England to accelerate the world's transition to sustainable energy
  2. Provide a way for Tesla owners to connect without requiring social media
  3. Welcome every owner and enthusiast of Tesla to our group
  4. Run a no-nonsense website that allows for emailing our group, & is a place to post events that are being held
  5. Encourage our members to create and setup their own events (hey, we’re an autonomous collective, not a dictatorship)
  6. Don’t take ourselves too seriously

Other New EnglAnd Tesla Owners Clubs

Connecticut - Tesla Owners of Connecticut

Tesla Owners Club of New England is an independent enthusiast organization and is not affiliated with Tesla, Inc. or its subsidiaries. TESLA, MODEL S, MODEL X, MODEL 3, MODEL Y, TESLA SEMI, TESLA ROADSTER, POWERWALL, SOLAR ROOF, and the “TESLA,” “T” and “TESLA and T Flag” designs, and certain other marks, are trademarks or registered trademarks of Tesla, Inc. in the United States and other countries.

Get In Touch With Us via About US --> Contact Us

An official club as of 3/3/2022

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